Christian Kleinboelting

Do not write your .gitignore if you are lazy

For some people it is well and good to have a nicely handcrafted .gitignore in their project. However, I myself am super lazy.

I do not want to have to answers like:

  • Which new files does my IDE generate in its newest release?

  • Is there something different with the latest other tool (gradle, ng, you name it)?

  • and more…​.

Save yourself some time and use

I use a small shell function which allows me to live in the shell and create the file on the fly:

gi () {
  curl -sLw "\n"$@

This way with a simple one liner gi gradle,java,intellij > .gitignore my newest project is safely git ignored.

Templates are plenty and updated regularly:

For oh-my-zsh users there is even a handy plugin with autocompletion.

Go get it.