Christian Kleinboelting



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Passionate solution engineer working for Signal7. Java Developer. Angular newbie. Knows some stuff about OpenID Connect, Kafka, Kubernetes and kustomize. Member of the BaselOne conference committee.

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Blog Technology

Page was build using the following components:

  • Gradle - Build automization
    This is the glue which lets me automize everything. I am lazy and I do not want to maintain any local installation in order to be able to publish on my blog. The only requirement that this project has is a JVM.

  • Jbake - Static site/blog generator
    The actual workhorse, it collects my content and generates the complete site using the Thymeleaf templating engine and AsciidoctorJ to transform my *.adoc content into html.

  • Jbake Gradle Plugin
    Allows me to use jbake from gradle.

  • Groovy Server Pages (GSP) - Templating Engine
    GSP (Groovy Server Pages) - A server-side view rendering technology based on Groovy.

  • Gradle Git and Github plugin - Publishing on GitHub pages
    Nice plugin which allows me to use Gradle as the publishing tool for the GitHub pages.

  • AsciidoctorJ - Simple markup for the content
    All content is written in AsciiDoc. I like AsciiDoc, a lightweight markup language, because the markup is quite simple and the content still readable. The Java implementation has a very good Gradle and Jbake integration.

  • Prettify.js with Sunburst theme
    Automatically allow code to be styled and syntax highlighted using JavaScript.

  • Groovy
    Used by Gradle and GSP.

  • Icons by Fontwawesome Social media buttons.

  • Webfonts used


Find the sources of this blog on GitHub.